By: Tony Cacioppo, PE

Greetings and Happy Spring to all ISA members. It has been awhile since our last newsletter was published, but I want to assure you that we are still alive and well and have been actively planning professional activities. First, the membership roster of the LI section has remained steady for several years. We currently have 38 members. This is remarkable considering the dramatic changes that have taken place in the technical and industrial sectors since 1993, when technical employment on Long island reached its zenith. Percentage-wise, we have maintained a membership level greater than some of the larger sections in District 1. (New England and Eastern New York areas) Secondly, the Long Island Section has maintained a working relationship with local sections of other technical societies, especially ASME. Through a collaborative effort of EJCLI (Engineers Joint Council of Long Island) we have worked to plan events and technical presentations that are of interest to our members. We strive to have meetings at least monthly, but sometimes our schedule is not as full as we would like. However, we do have program meetings scheduled for September, October and November. See the enclosed announcement for the EWEEK Program.

On the subject of programs, we are asking that each of you please consider arranging a technical presentation for the Section. If you are a subject matter expert or well versed on a particular subject area related to instrumentation, automation or energy, your collegues would benefit from the shared knowledge. Or, perhaps you know someone else who can make a presentation or can arrange a facility tour coupled with a presentation on that company's technology. ISA and ASME can get good program presentations qualified for PDH continuing education credits, which are required for PE's to maintain their credential. Bear in mind that the presenter/instructor receives 2 times the approved PDHs for presenting the qualified program.

Finally, we ask that you please be sure that we have your current E-Mail address so that we can send you important meeting announcements. In the future, we may be sending out this newsletter electronically via e-mail. We do not send "junk e-mail" or use this info for any other purpose. Your personal e-mail address is preferable to your work or corporate one, as many companies set tight filters on their e-mail servers which tend to bounce back ISA mailings. You can update your account info by logging on to the ISA website , or contact our membership chairman, Dave Kotliar
We look forward to seeing all of you at one of our programs.

For more info, please feel free to contact me or one of our board members,